
Auteur, compositeur, arrangeur & producteur




Having not found a box to put these pieces unclassifiable and atypical, I propose them anyway. It’s up to you to see and hear if this can inspire you.
If one of these musical titles interests you to illustrate one of your projects, contact me to be able to download it in WAV, MP3 or other formats. fredericbegnon (at)


Galaxix : Lounge, ambient, new age, progressive, electro, cosmic, serene (New this title is available as NFT on Opensea)

De Mars à Jupiter : néo disco, science, astronomy, synthé , guitars, universe (New this title is available as NFT on Opensea)


 Les ours : Banjo, vocals, synth, animals, funny and playful


Mon processeur : Wink, humor, ambient, électro, geek, computing


Nosferatus: Fright, enigmatic, classical organ, old horror movies


Polochon de nuages: ethereal, hovering, zen, ambient, strange

All titles are deposited at the SACEM


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