Design sound
Design sound
The classification of the titles in this category below is only indicative, each title can be used for something other than a design sound.
If one of these musical titles interests you to illustrate one of your projects, contact me to be able to download it in WAV, MP3 or other formats. fredericbegnon (at) rossignol-studio.fr
New title June 2021 Le rythme dans la bouche : Rhythmic mouth, drums box, piano, pop violins and bass
New title May 2021 Tennistic : Sport, tennis, tennis court atmosphere, electro, electric piano and synthés
Métropolitain : métro, underground, rail, repetitive
Multivers: science, astronomy, parallel universes, bizarre, curious, exploration, other dimensions
Pandemonium: Dark, strange, forlorn, gloomy, hell, damnation
Machine: Robotics, electronics, science, atmosphere geek, ambient, lounge, mechanical, industrial
All titles are deposited at the SACEM