Various music for your company films, demos of software audio, answering machine, websites, poems etc.
If one of these musical titles interests you to illustrate one of your projects, contact me to be able to download it in WAV, MP3 or other formats. fredericbegnon (at) rossignol-studio.fr
New title May 2021 La pesanteur du destin : Piano, strings ensemble, brass, drums and bass, orchestral and rhythmic
Prosodie : electro, ambient, piano, electric guitar, synths, slow, vaporous
Évaporisation binaurale: relaxation, well being, zen, Binaural music, long format, ambient, hovering, electro
Friandises: guided tour, home business, sweet, light, suave, easy listening
Celtique: World music, Ireland, techno folk, rhythm, dance, happy, festive
Le lion et le caméléon: example of sound illustration, Africa, voice-over (lyrics Izanne)
Chevaleresque: Circus, horse, riding, waiting, patience, daydreams, guitars, synths
Aédé: Nature, water, wellness, beauty, feminine, aesthetic, fontaine (voice air Valérie Chapelet)
Marathon: race walking distance, breathing, lounge, chillout, electric piano, synth
Meteor: Demo synthesizer the it poly-Ana, beautiful VSTI of Admiral Quality. Apart from the effects, everything was made with this plugin.
Bleu mineur: lounge, hovering, electro, ambient, children, beach, ocean voice
All titles are deposited at the SACEM